Career Development Planning for Leaders – Identify and manage your career goals
We deliver our following Career Development services via workshops and/or coaching sessions, both in person or via electronic media:
As you progress through your career as a leader, it is important to take the time to take stock and consider the important aspects that will enhance future opportunities. The following content covers the key factors that assist you in building a career plan along with other considerations that are important to progress your career:
- Your strengths
- Values/drivers
- Areas of career satisfaction
- What your achievements reveal
- Using assessments positively
- Your style as a leader
- Importance of brand and reputation
- The Johari window
- Importance of 3600 feedback
- Development options and opportunities
- Analyse the themes
- Lifestyle balance
- The importance of networking
- Skills for self-promotion and accelerated career progression
- Career planning – action plan
- Managing your career successfully
- Make your CV work for you
A selection of comments from workshop attendees:
- “Very thought provoking”
- “Very engaged and engaging; created a very collaborative, inclusive and comfortable environment”
- “Very good balance of presentation, discussion and exercises”
- “Good concepts and discussion”
- “A very useful presentation”
- “Good flexibility to change according to group need”
- “Great interaction with information provided with the group”
- “Practical tasks were extremely beneficial”
Workshops: 6 hour workshops are offered
Coaching: Is on an hourly basis with the number of hours dependent on individual requirements.
An option: Financial Coaching is a useful compliment to Career Development Planning for Leaders
It has been suggested that staff members’ focus and productivity, and thus their careers, can be impacted by concerns about their personal financial circumstances. This is no reflection on the staff member, but rather, it is a statement about the lack of basic financial education publically available.
There is an increasing interest, by employers, in providing some basic financial literacy awareness as they appreciate the positive impact for both the employing organisation and the staff member.
We are able to offer individual financial coaching which might include such topics as:
- Finding the financial balance between lifestyle today and lifestyle tomorrow
- How to create and maintain a financial plan over time
- How to minimise the impact of “Life events”
- Savings and investments – what to look for and how to manage the risk/return trade-off
- Guide to dealing with everyday financial decisions
Our coaching is personalised to meet the specific needs of the staff member concerned.
Our financial coach, Craig Wylie, is an Authorised Financial Adviser. He, and C2 Consulting, are independent of any investment or insurance product providers. More information here.
For further information or an appointment please contact us by email or phone Cynthia on 0274 865 065.
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