Career Development for the 55+ age group*
Identify your next step
Are you aged 55+, and feel that you have a range of needs, issues or frustrations? Do you feel that you are winding down, maybe lost some motivation, or maybe feel a little threatened by potential loss of your role and then what? Or are you someone who would like to look at other internal or external alternatives but are unsure what and unsure how to position yourself. Or maybe you might be considering a less stressful role or even thinking about phasing to four days a week?
Our sessions explore the issues and challenges you might face and provide strategies and tools from a career perspective that identify the uniqueness of your skills, experience and achievements that you have to offer and explore a variety of work options. We also provide strategies for writing a CV that highlights these elements and strategies that will provide you with confidence in an interview.
Content includes:
- Strengths – those skills you are competent in and enjoy using
- Values – what motivates and fulfils you at work and in general
- Interests – areas that act as key motivators and ensure career enjoyment balance
- Achievements – key success factors
- Ideal role – if you could choose, what would your ideal role look like
- Sector/industry interest – areas of particular interest
- Satisfaction – areas of current and former job satisfaction
- Development –skill gaps and needs and how will these be solved
- Education and learning needs – identify maintain on-going learning
- Work life balance – balancing work and private life to conserve energy
- Career options – internal and external options based on themes
- Career management –managing your on-going career effectively and proactively
- CV positioning
* Can include those aged 50+
There will be a small amount of pre work to complete.
Presenter: Cynthia Munro
Cynthia is an executive coach, consultant and presenter. She has had 20+ years working with government agencies, corporates, not-for-profits and individual clients. She is highly experienced in working with individuals and teams who are seeking guidance with their careers and other life changes including retirement planning and change. She has expertise and sensitivity in understanding the needs of people and identifying strategies and tools to assist them. Cynthia holds a BA, a Graduate Diploma in Adult and Tertiary Education and an Advanced Diploma in Business (Management). She is accredited in a range of well-known assessment tools.
Date and Time: To be confirmed when normal business resumes
Venue: Urban Hub, Level 2, 318 Lambton Quay, Wellington
Price: $360 including GST (includes workbook) (4 hour workshop)
To register your interest or for further information, please complete the form below, phone Cynthia on 0274 865 065, or email
Related services:
Career outplacement (transition)
Networking and approaching the market
Planning for Retirement workshop
Living your best life beyond the workforce
The time spent in retirement now is considerably greater than it was for earlier generations. Increasing life expectancy means that many people are now spending the equivalent of half (or more) of their working lives in retirement. This requires them to focus their attention on planning for their retirement if they wish to lead happy, purposeful and meaningful lives through this time.
Frequent comments from attendees at our workshops say that they wished they had received this financial information 10 years earlier. Financial planning for retirement is not something that can be left until retirement is imminent – the sooner it can be addressed, the more likely that financial and lifestyle goals can be achieved. However those close to retirement acknowledge that they also benefit from some critical financial aspects and they especially find the Lifestyle planning component is also vital. The comment “We didn’t know what we didn’t know” is quite often heard following our workshops.
Our Retirement Planning workshops are in two parts and highlight:
Lifestyle Planning
- What does retirement mean to me – am I ready, am I open to it?
- How do I deal with change and loss, and how can I plan to ensure I transition successfully?
- What are the key skills and talents I want to take with me into the next stage?
- What are my concerns and what losses might I encounter?
- What provides meaning and purpose for me in life and what will these look like:
- Relationships – what will change with my spouse/partner, family and friends?
- Leisure – what interests provide meaning and fulfilment?
- Work – do I want to continue working in a different capacity – what might this look like?
- Voluntary work – what type of activity might provide satisfaction and meaningfulness?
- Learning – what would I like to pursue – e.g. a hobby, intellectual pursuit or an interest?
- Health and wellbeing – how do I ensure optimum physical and emotional health?
- Location – what are the things I need to think about and the impact of change?
- Social – how will my social life differ?
- What does my retirement plan now look like and how can I make this a reality?
Presenter: Cynthia Munro
Financial Planning
We are independent of all financial product suppliers. We do not promote or recommend any individual financial products.
- Understanding your present situation:
- Present financial position
- What could impact your financial security
- Financial and lifestyle goals and objectives
- Picture what lifestyle you would like – what will it cost?
- What financial lifestyle goals to be met before retirement – cost?
- How do you get from here to there?
- Cash Management and savings
- Investments
- Financial Plan (bringing it all together)
- Avoiding the common mistakes
- Financial advisers
- Do you need a financial adviser?
- Criteria for selecting an adviser/questions to ask
Financial information provided in the workshop is of a general nature and participants are recommended to seek personalised advice from an adviser who is authorised to provide Regulated Financial Adviser services.
Presenter: Craig Wylie
For further information, please contact Cynthia by email, , or phone 0274 865 065
The dates of the next two workshops are 7 August and 30 October 2024, please choose from the dropdown box below to register.
$375 including GST per person (includes workbook)
To Register
Please complete and submit the form below, or if you prefer to register manually, please contact Cynthia as above.
Financially Fit & Healthy Seminar
A financial awareness seminar for individuals in the first half of their careers
Seminar objective
Will assist you/your staff to:
- Learn good money habits
- Develop attitudes and behaviours that lead to financial success
- Avoid mistakes that can cost $000’s and lead to financial stress
- Understand KiwiSaver and choose the right fund
- Achieve career, lifestyle and financial objectives
Why do we offer this seminar?
There is a general lack of education of financial matters in our society. Most people learn by observation of others and through the “school of hard knocks”. Unfortunately, neither of these is conducive to providing a basic frame work that is right for each individual and their circumstances.
Overseas studies show that an individual’s focus and productivity, and thus their careers, can be impacted by concerns about their personal financial circumstances. Employers have begun to see the benefits, for both the organization and the individual, in offering financial education programmes for their staff.
“The traditional approach (to employee financial education) is to put together presentations focused exclusively on company benefits and how to enrol in them. This approach does nothing to provide a framework for decision making for very different employee situations. Another traditional alternative is to suggest employees find a financial advisor and wash your hands of any obligation and fiduciary liability. Neither approach provides a background for employees to feel more comfortable in their own ability to making increasingly sophisticated decisions regarding their financial future. We feel that people that are economically secure in their own lives are more productive employees.”
— A UPS Corporate Compensation Manager
Financially Fit and Healthy content
This seminar will demystify the subject and provide a structured approach for developing good money habits and addressing personal finances. It covers:
- Your second most important asset – what is it and how do you protect it
- Lifestyle today – good and bad habits, good and bad debt, lifestyle trade-off
- Lifestyle tomorrow – why worry about it, the need to plan, KiwiSaver
- Impact of major “Life Events”- e.g. OE, house purchase, relationships, children, retirement
- Pulling it all together- how to make a plan, rules of thumb, understanding the jargon
The reference/workbook
Our comprehensive reference/workbook contains exercises and worksheets that are designed to encourage the participants to think about their present attitudes to money and financial position, and how they can increase their financial security over time. There are also guides to preparing a financial plan, how to make savings and investment decisions and handling the impact of “life’s events”. These guides, together with the Rules of Thumb and the Glossary of Terms will ensure that long after the seminar is over, the workbook will continue to be a valuable resource. We encourage participants to share the workbook with their significant other (where they have a partner). It is important, where there is a partner, that the partner feels involved.
Our Approach: The way we work with clients & participants
As a boutique consultancy, our focus and commitment is on the individual client and solutions that work for them, rather than a ‘template solution’. We have a strong sense of ethics about making sure the work we do has value for our customer.
Our Presenter
Craig Wylie is an experienced and independent financial consultant. He has had in excess of 30 years’ experience providing personal financial advice to clients. He was a Chartered Accountant in Public Practice prior to becoming a personal financial adviser.
Date and Time: Wednesday 15 June 2022 9.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: Lifetime asset Management Ltd Offices, Level 3, 120 Featherston Street, Wellington
(Entrance: around corner in Waring Taylor Street)
Price: $275 including GST (includes workbook) (3.0 hours)
To register your interest or for further information, please complete the form below, phone Craig on 021 473 770, or email
Career development – Identify your next career step
Thinking about your career/ your role and potential next step? This can be an exciting experience if you are clear on your future direction. However, it can be daunting or challenging if you are not sure about your direction or the options available. If this is you, unlocking your potential will enable you to be happier, more successful and more fulfilled in your present or future role.
In this workshop, we will provide a structure and a process to assist you to identify your career goals. We will do this by working through a range of exercises and key factors which will assist you to identify emerging themes. You will consider what this means to you in terms of current or past role(s), development needs and opportunities, preferred environment, and your ultimate career aspiration.
Content includes:
- Strengths – those skills you are competent in and enjoy using
- Values – what motivates and fulfills you at work and in general
- Interests – areas that act as key motivators and ensure career enjoyment balance
- Achievements – key success factors
- Ideal role – if you could choose, what would your ideal role look like
- Sector/industry interest – areas of particular interest
- Satisfaction – areas of current and former job satisfaction
- Development –skill gaps and needs and how will these be solved
- Education and learning needs – identify maintain on-going learning
- Work life balance – balancing work and private life to conserve energy
- Career options – internal and external options based on themes
- Career management –managing your on-going career effectively and proactively
There will be a small amount of pre work to complete.
Presenter: Cynthia Munro
Date and Time: 18 July 2017, 9.00am – 1.00pm
Venue: Antrim House, 63 Boulcott Street, Wellington
Price: $325 including GST (includes workbook)
For further information, please phone 04 282 0809 or email